Di-Bluden + (plus) 

Di-Bluden + (plus) – is a highly effective preparation with strong effect of biologically active substances, applied in degenerative-dysthrophic process in the joint – in arthrosis. The most frequently affected areas of arthrosis are knees and hip joints. Preparation is meant for the first or initial stage of arthrosis and the second stage of the disease.

When using the solution by the method of electrophoresis, regardless of the cause (trauma, dysplasia, inflammation), there goes rapid reduction of pain syndrome and...

/improvement of blood circulation. Active phytoncides replenish biochemical composition of the synovial liquid, which nourishes the destructed articular cartilage and menisci. Under the influence of this solution there improves metabolism in the affected joint and stops the process of destruction of the bone tissue. Elimination of effects of inflammation, swelling, pain, improving the local hemodynamics, mobility of joints… - confirm the high effectiveness of the preparation, combined with its easy application/.