
Di-Bluden is considered to be the successful discovery of new generation. Armenian scientists of “Centre of New Technologies” OJSC offer phytoncidic medication with supporting group of active substances, essential oils, bioflavonoids, made of rare species of turpentine, lemon balm and prickly thistle. It’s applied in case of spinal osteochondrosis, including various forms of hernia of intervertebral discs. The given procedure is very effective both in the chronic course of disease and in its initial stage as well.

When using the solution by the method of electrophoresis, hernia starts to soften, releasing...

/the pinched nerve ending, in the result of which there gradually reduces pain in the spine. The highly effective drug has a positive effect on collagenous cartilage. It has a beneficial effect on the entire vertebral disc, as a whole – it becomes less brittle. Under the influence of this solution there increases tissue regeneration of the disc, which recovers its normal shape and its function as a damper, and by affecting on several adjacent intervertebral discs, it restores the whole spine/.